The International Missionary Training Network

Foundations for Cross-Cultural Missions

11 years 1 month ago #20 by admin
Books on the study of missions - missiology - which...

Books on the study of missions - missiology - which provide a foundation for serving cross-culturally. 

Foundations for Cross-Cultural Missions

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. Ralph D. Winter and Steven C. Hawthorne (eds). 4th Ed. William Carey, 2009. This is the text of a 15-week course of the same name (typically one evening per week), which unfolds God's plan for the world and different roles for individuals and churches. Every prospective missionary should take this course. Classes online and around the world.

Miriam Adeney Kingdom Without Borders: The Untold Story of Global Christianity Inter Varsity Press 2009.

Rose Dowsett. The Great CommissionMonarch Books, 2001.

William A. Dyrness. Let the Earth Rejoice: A Biblical Theology of Holistic Mission. Crossways, 1983.

Samuel Escobar. The New Global Mission: The Gospel from Everywhere to Everywhere. IVP, 2003.

Ajith Fernando. Sharing the Truth in Love: How to relate to people of other faiths.Discovery House, 2001.

Steve Hoke and Bill Taylor. The Global Mission Handbook: Your Guide to Crosscultural Service. IVP, 2009.

Jonathan Ingleby, Tan Kang San, and Tan Loun Ling, eds. Contextualisation and Mission Training: Engaging Asia’s Religious Worlds  

 Jason Mandryk (ed). Operation World.Authentic Publishing, 2010.

A. Scott Moreau, Gary R. Corwin, Gary B. McGee. Introducing World Missions: A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey. Baker, 2004.

Terry Muck and Frances S. Adeney. Christianity Encountering World Religions: The Practice of Mission in the Twenty-First Century.Baker, 2009.

Stan Nussbaum. A Readers Guide to Transforming Mission.Orbis, 2005Helps tie together the major themes from Bosch’s 1991 masterpiece, Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of Mission.

John Piper. Let the Nations Be Glad. Baker Books, 1993.

Mike Pocock, Gailyn Van Rheenen and Doug McConnell. The Changing Face of World Missions: Engaging Contemporary Issues and Trends. Baker 2005.

William D. Taylor (ed). Global Missiology for the 21st Century. Baker Academic, 2000.

 Christopher J. H. Wright. The Mission of God. IVPress, 2006.

_____. The Mission of God’s People. Zondervan, 2010. 

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